Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Some great diet and work out tips!

So here we are, Day 3. I've done a ton of reading the last few days and I stumbled upon this lovely article.. that I want to share. Good stuff too -- things I'm glad I found NOW before I went months and then realized "oh crap...restart!"

Friends and family who follow and are embarking on a similar weight loss sojourn... this will be helpful for you too!


You Can't Eat Peanut Butter Out of the Jar
While peanut butter is full of heart-healthy fats, it's not void of calories — one tablespoon contains 105. I found myself spooning it straight out of the jar, wondering why my jeans weren't any looser. This is important to remember with all healthy foods: just because they aren't considered junky, doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want. Be aware of portion sizes when it comes to whole grains, nuts, seeds, and health food store snacks.
Keep reading to find out what else I wish I had known about weight loss.
Being Vegan Doesn't Automatically Cause Weight Loss
My two roommates in college were tall, skinny, and vegan, so I thought eating a plant-based diet was the key to dropping pounds. I may have ditched animal products, but I ended up eating tons of pasta, bread, french fries, and dairy-free ice cream instead. Had I focused on fresh fruits, veggies, legumes, and whole grains, a vegan diet might have helped me reach my weight loss goal, but my junk-food vegan diet actually caused me to gain weight.
Walking Isn't Enough
Walking is definitely a better workout than just sitting on the couch, so I thought strolling through the mall and walking to class would do the trick. But walking isn't a major calorie burner like running. When it comes to losing weight, you need to burn or cut out 3,500 calories a week to lose a pound. A 30-minute walk only burns around 122 calories, which is well under the 500 it takes to affect a weekly weigh-in. If you want to lose weight, you'll need to kick up the intensity and the length of your workouts.
One Workout Doesn't Mean You Can Eat All You Want
After hitting a Step class with my college roommate, we'd hit the dining hall and fuel up. We worked out so we deserved it, right? Little did I know I was undoing all the good I had done and actually eating way more than I had burned, which was making the scale numbers go even higher. If you need a little workout reward, don't do it with food. Download some new songs on iTunes, pick up a fitness mag, or buy yourself a new top to motivate you to get to the gym.

----- {This is the link..}

Another thing I keep stumbling upon is the importance of a good breakfast. I remember in highschool I hardly ate breakfast because I thought it'd help me loose weight if I didn't. Wrong! I'm still bad about it.. but this is something I'm making an effort to change.. (as well as waking up earlier! Darn staying up so late working and editing photos... lol. Oh the joys of being a stay at home mom - stay at home business woman running a photography biz. )

Here is a good outline of some popular breakfast foods.

Check out the nutritional breakdown of popular breakfast proteins.

Breakfast ProteinCaloriesTotal Fat (g)Sat. Fat (g)Sodium (mg)Cholesterol (mg)Carbs (g)Protein (g)
Almond Butter
(2 tbsp)
Bacon, Pork
(3 slices)
Bacon, Turkey
(3 slices)
Egg, Hard-Boiled
Egg, Scrambled
Egg, Whites
Peanut Butter, Natural
(2 tbsp)
Sausage, Chicken Apple
(1 link)
Sausage, Pork
(3 mini links)
Sausage, vegetarian
(2 oz)
Yogurt, Nonfat Greek Vanilla
(6 oz)


Snacks also should be watched. I'm a junk-food-aholic certain times of the month. My sweet tooth will extend and anytime chocolate dare let me catch a whiff of it's seductive aroma... I can hardly say no. :X
(Sounds like I'm chasing some kinda person, and I'm like a vampire that feeds off of chocolate.. hahah)

That's my typical reaction. 
Anyhow... snacks should be around 100-200 cals. 
Sodium and sugar should be watched. 

This link here has a great example of what to look out for.


Gilenea said...

Also, peanut butter contains a lot of unecessary oils that are awful for you (rapeseed, cottonseed, and soy being among the worst).

Now it's not only WHAT you eat but how it's made and processed... If it comes from a box, jar, or can (unless YOU made it FROM SCRATCH), get RID of it.



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