Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 2.

So day 2. Went running for 3 miles I think? Did squat - kicks on my half point. Legs feel like jelly but it'll pay off. I had my first protein shake from Jillian Michael's I picked up yesterday for lunch. It was really good and filling! Trying to keep up these good habits. From those of you who I share this with... who know me... I can break a schedule and become lazy in a second flat. Do NOT let me break this. I can do it!

(I really am ready to be at 140 lbs.)

On a different note -- the pin-up photos are coming along SWIMMINGLY! I can't wait to post some examples on here.. and while doing so I need to revamp the creative portraits side of the website. I have links later, and photos will start appearing online some time just after Valentines day. :) 

Over and out. 


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