Monday, April 21, 2014

Jensen is 1!!!

Man...! I can't believe it!
 A whole YEAR has just flown by and I feel like I haven't had any time to slow down for any of it. Literally. 
I was just suffering on the couch after we came home with him and inhaling that new born smell that new babies all come with. *sigh* I want to sniff a baby now.... LOL

(right at 11:33pm on his birthday. <3 )

(with their cousin, Gavin)

Anyhow - Jensen got to have a double whammy today :
his 1st birthday AND his 1st Easter all in one! How super cool and lucky is he?!
  This year with him.. gosh. I have a deeply set love for my babies. 
Each is so unique and special in how they shape us when they come into the family. 
He has certainly made all of us better. 
His sisters will definitely make him a strong young man :) 
Emma turned 6 in March, Kaelyn 4 in February, and now our baby boy is 1. 
*sigh* <3 

My girls absolutely love him and I can't believe he's up and walking around with them now. I have 3 moving little people in my house! GAH! I don't even know where to begin on everything, or what to write - I am crying, actually. Reflecting. I live in the past so much and relive things like a scrolling movie in my cranium. I'm silently aching inside that I won't have any more babies, he is our last. (unless some how God makes it where we do, this is it.)

But new horizons are ahead of us and I know that we have so much we are going to do and accomplish from here on out! Good bye, baby bearing days...  </3

(only 1 week old!)

(now he is 1 year old!)

On another note - I am happy to say I've reached the 170's finally! BUT I have rebounded up to 182 and down again the past several days so... it's time to get focused. I want to share some side by side photos, too. It has NOT been easy for me this 3rd time.. in fact, it's taken me the longest to lose anything, but I've lost the most since having him! Weird, right? 

(BEWARE: there might be some panty shots, or mostly covered bewbz.. but it's intended to show what is going on... so if you can't handle it... click that [X] up at the top!)


(my belly skin and belly button after 3 kids and 3 c-sections)

If all goes according to plan, too - November 15th I'll be driving to Pensacola, FL and competing in my first fitness competition (bikini). I've never been this fit before, nor this focused on training for something so competitive. Taekwondo, swimming, weightlifting, and gymnastics.. all have their areas -- but this being a physical appearance competition... it'll take some HARD work for me to get there. I've seen friends do it and I know if they can then I can to.  C-sections aren't easy recoveries, and they certainly aren't easy to tighten up on, either. 

(this is the goal!) 

I've also decided, in this year since we've had Jensen... that I want to start coaching and motivating other's towards better health and fitness. I have an amazing coach (my personal trainer, and brother from another mother, Joe Gassler) From 6 months post till now -- I couldn't have made it without his ass kicking over the phone and long distance. 
I have so much work ahead of me for all of this; studying, lifting, and smart eats that I'll have no room for error. 6 MONTHS will be to get my butt down to the 150's.. and then those last 12 weeks, so I've been told, will be brutal and tough.
 I'm a foodie. 
I love to have my cheese and carbs.
 And chocolate. 
Am I stereotyping myself out here? HAH. 

I also need to fight to tighten up my belly skin. It's been through hell and back 3 times - diet will only shrink it up, too. 

I hate to make this post short tonight, but I'm wiped from this Easter festival we held at our home today. I'll post more soon. My game plans for everything, 
gear of choice to get started, and lots of photos. 
(I have some tonight though. ;) )

Happy Easter Everyone! Happy 1st birthday, my son.  Happy 68th birthday, Daddy! (He's the day after Jensen!!) And here is to the last 5-6 weeks of school left before Summer is OUTTTT! <3



Unknown said...

Megan...I love this blog your doing. .. just found it. .... when i was taking medical assistant from Kaplan University we were required to start a blog and had to post on it every day and sometimes we had to post our assignments on it as well. .. and i LOVED it. . It felt great posting my thoughts and feelings on it.
.... your so incredible always so busy.... and amazing MOTHER I can't wait to read what's going too happen next when i read your blog....AWESOME ♥ you honey

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