So it's been a few weeks since I posted. Oops! We've had so much going on I haven't had a chance to really jump on here and post about anything. But here we go. Grab a drink and a snack, it might be long.
So since Emma's birthday on the 10th, we hosted Easter at our house too. Small and intimate. It was rainy that day so we had our Egg hunt inside. Girls had a BLAST! Crazy to think that Jensen's first will be around the time he turns a year old. (Easter is April 20th next year)
(easter bunny was generous, as well as their great aunts and grandparents)
(bitty cuties in their easter dresses)
(making daddy get the eggs that were too high to reach. mama is creative ;) )
(the easter bunny supplied them with coins in some of their eggs... so to the piggy banks they went!)
(and no, their room is a darker blue than the living room, I swear. LOL)
(silly daddy with a squeeankie (how do you spell that?!)
on his nose, and a kaelyn about to snag it off haha)
(Annnnddd the bump!)
So I just decided to break these posts up so stay tuned for after I'm done with dinner <3)
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