Hey y'all!
SO much has happened since my last post and I'm going to try to
remember to cover it all in this one post. Here we go!
First off, today was my oldest daughter {Emma's} 5th birthday. 5th.
It's so hard for me to even wrap my mind around that. I became a mother 5 years ago today.
In Feb on the 15th, my middle {Kaelyn} had turned 3. I'm not wanting to believe that at all.
Today we celebrated both of them with a combined birthday party and it turned out pretty well. :) It rained of course but 40 balloons from the 99cent store seemed to be plenty of entertainment for both tots and adults -- LOL.
I'm super happy though that the party and all the stuff that was involved in planning and prepping for it is DONE. We've been soooo busy that I just haven't had the time to really dive in head first like we usually do. Next year we'll have 3 to plan for *facepalm*
All in all, I wanted to thank all the awesome people who came to celebrate and sent their love to our girls. This means the world to us and they had a fantastic time! :)
{The bitties after their birthday bash today <3 }
Let's see, Friday I went to the OB again. I'm now 34 weeks along. Whhhhaaaaat?
I'll be full term at the end of these next 2 weeks.
Reality hasn't quite hit me full on yet but looking at the calendar; I'm starting to whip out my bad habits of nail biting because of how much we have left to do to get ready.
Jensen weighed in at his 2nd anatomy scan (34 week scan?) at 5lbs and 12oz and is in the 68th percentile for his gestation. For those of you who know me, I bake BIG 9 pound, hairy, asian babies.
Both girls were 9+ pounds at birth. Both were above the 95th percentile at this stage.
Bitty boy is going to be very bitty unless something was off. Happy to announce that he was perfectly healthy and all was where it needed to be -- and that he's a very very active little guy, too. :)
Another fact: I've had 2 c-sections in the past due to the girls sizes and poor positioning. I labored only with Kaelyn. Broke a tail bone in that process.This time they want me to labor again and I'm thrilled but I'm terrified about the rupture aspect on my old scar when things get down and dirty....
So, I basically told my OB that if by 38/39 weeks we have no progress, and because this is my 3rd, I wasn't willing to risk anything. I'd want to be fully thinned out and dilating in order to feel comfortable with a natural labor and birth.
If nothing happens by 39 weeks and he's not making an honest effort in progress by April 18th, he'll be evicted that Thursday morning. Crazy thought -- that means roughly 38 days or less left.
38. Days. Left.
Did I mention I'm terrified?!
And excited.
And overwhelmed.
And ready to have my body back?!
I sound mental right now.
I am.
{34 weeks of bitty boy!)
My next appointment is not this friday but the following and from that point on every week till it's showtime on the 18th. This gave me some flexibility on my schedule too. Oh! And I hadn't gained any weight since 3 weeks ago so I'm still at 17 pounds in during these last 8.5 months. Woo hoo! I wish I could explain the additional 3 inches of stretch marks sneaking up my torso, but hey. Whatevs.
(This means 7-8 pounds is made up of baby, fluid, and placenta. I have only 10 pounds to shed of fattness and skin to be back where I was last summer... and then 20 for me to be happy physically lol)
Lastly on this story, I lost a chunk of my plug today too. I'm wondering if we'll even make it to the 18th??
The last tid bit is on my hubz. He's lost about 7-8 inches since January 1st from small diet changes and exercising at taekwondo 2-3 times a week. Super proud of him! He also lost roughly 7 pounds too. I don't have the measurements right next to me off hand but I'll make another post for him some time this week with photo updates and his new measurements to keep record of it. I've challenged him to the end of April to drop another 10 pounds so he can be under the 200 pound marker. He could do it so easily. Just a little elbow grease, right? Oh, and he's got his appointment, finally, to the sleep center on the 23rd. I swear, they are going to hook him up to a c-pap machine and he'll loose like 30 pounds in a month. Watch. I'm calling it.
I'd be pretty happy though. He'd sleep so much better and not sound like he was being suffocated at night and wheezing and NOT breathing for 20-45 seconds every 3-4 breaths he takes in the first few hours he falls asleep. Or having to sleep face down into his pillow so I can sleep and not have to listen to him. Poor guy. I love him. I hope this fixes this problem. On a side note, I'd like to mention he's been so helpful and awesome this pregnancy. So, thankyou Eric if you read this ever. I love you :) Get better. Because I hate hearing you snore. LOL. Mwa! ;)
{My loves. I can't wait to add in Jensen!}
Okay -- so that's about it FOR NOW. I'm tired and I need to get the munchkins in bed. This weekend was crazeballs and I need to hibernate while I can.
*** Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one!
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