And that means a few things are going on, or have already happened!
The first weekend we took the girls for a 'possible last fun weekend before baby' to build a bear and got them their favorite ponies (Rainbow dash and Pinky Pie) put together.
Can I say they were in pure bliss?
And of all the characters, these ones?!
On the 14th I turned 25! :) My hubby took me and the girls to the movies to see the Croodes, I got cuban food, AND chinese pan fried noodles (oops, not the healthiness but hey hah!), and for my sweet treat I got froyo (salted caramel with hot fudge on it....*mmmmmmmmm* )
I also managed to break a window in our living room during a short nap.
(Womp womp...)
No I didn't take a photo of it but yeah... hah. Hitting out with a bang!
(Lots of duct tape helped fix that, too.)
Annnnnnnnnnnnd now on to BABY STUFFZ.
Right now it's almost 930 on the 19th and I'm still pregnant. *sigh*
I honestly thought he'd be here by now. SERIOUSLY.
So, Friday the 12th I had a sweep done. Cramped and contracted all weekend long.
Had my 'show'. Lost a golf ball sized amount of my plug (thought it was like the size of a marble but it just kept coming! and still does from time to time! But my word, how big is that thing really?!)
Lost that sucker between Sunday and Wednesday.
Still Pregnant.
I had my final Dr. Appt on Wednesday at 3pm and she said we had a tiny amount of more progress, and that my cervix was 'gooey'. 2cm. Baby is engaged. And a 2nd sweep done, too.
Okay.... So, remember when I posted a month ago that the 18th would be the eviction date with a
c-section? yeah.....
Well, we moved it to the 25th since I progressed some more.
That night I had more 'show', more plug... and contracted around 430pm-5am. At one point it got to 4-6 mins apart and they HURT. Cramping horribly bad. Averaged 8-10 for HOURS. Then by the morning they were gone. Eff...
Yesterday wasn't very eventful. Today... consistent 8-10... 10-15 again.
I cried yesterday with Eric on the phone when he was coming home to just vent.
Part of me wishes I had just kept the 18th and did the c-section. 2 weeks of early labor has been exhausting. For those of you moms who lucked out with fast and easy labor and deliveries, I envy you.
See, I've had 2 c-sections in the past. My first was because my baby was HUGE. 9.5 lbs... but estimated to be over 10 at the time. Also she sat transverse and wasn't budging. No progress. Nothing.
My 2nd I went into labor 3 days before my due date and it slowly progressed into the real deal on Valentines day... had her on her due date the following day... BUT, she was posterior and got stuck on my tail bone, that broke, and her heart rate decelerated... and since it was an attempted VBAC they couldn't risk rupture and we had another C-section.
NOW. With Jensen. I'm due this Sunday, April 21st. MY dad's birthday. (cool right?)
At this point with all the false stuff I'm beginning to think the 25th IS going to be the day he is born. I was hoping to have a little bitty below 9 pounds but I have a feeling we might reach that weight again if we wait 5 more days.
5. Freakin. Days.
More contractions today 8-15 mins apart. All day. ALL DAY.
I weeded a garden or two in the front yard, cleaned the kitchen top to bottom, picked up the living room, and now I'm sitting here relaxing. Ahh...
We are attempting a VBA2C (vaginal birth after 2 c-sections)
if labor begins before the 25th. I've never been over due before and it kinda scares me to be honest.
I have stretch marks up to my sternum now; where as with Emma they stopped just above my belly button. Nothing with Kaelyn. And up they went with Jensen.
My badges of 2.5 years worth of pregnancy done and did.
Regardless.... part of me hates how they look now, but part of me is proud of them.
I bake big, beautiful, healthy, hairy half asian babies :)
Anyhow. For the next 5 days we are sitting and waiting. Hoping he kick starts things early but if not then Thursday will be it!
Today is my LAST EVER EVER EVER pregnant Friday. :)
I will cherish it and enjoy his little movements and kicks while I can while they are still only for me.
Next week this time I will have to share my beautiful boy with the world <3
Before I wrap this up I'll post a few fun photos <3
(My 9 month maternity photo that I'm sooo happy we were able to get!)
(girls with the belly at 38 weeks)
(39.3 days of bitty boy)
(some more bitty cuties!)
(And I'm absolutely DYING to get them in these outfits for photos in the next few days <3 )
I can't wait till he is here, and I sooooo can't wait to start working out again :)
More updates as soon as they happen!
5 days or less!
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