Monday, July 28, 2014

Update on Measurements and 7 weeks out.

Okay, I promised a measurement update the other day. Super thrilled my weight is starting to tick down -- I had been stuck for several weeks between 176-178. Today I weighed in at 173.6
I will reach the 160's by surgery. I'm so close. Soooooooo close. My surgery goal weight is 165.

For by birthday next year when I turn 27, my ultimate goal weight is 155. It will be 10 less than high school and I feel like it'll place me at a really great body fat percentage. Staying focused on a really good, healthy, honest diet and staying consistent with my exercise is imperative. Making sure I eat  no less than 1900-2000 calories on days I workout is also important too so I don't wreck my metabolism either since I burn on days I don't workout around 2500 (this is an all day LIVING average) and around 2700-2900 when I include what I burn when I workout.

One week post baby I was: 

Neck - 15
Pit- 40
Nip- 43
Rib - 37
Waist - 38.5
B. button - 45
Pooch - 45
Hips - 45.5
Thigh - 25.5
Calfs- 15
Arms - 13

Sunday June 9, 2013

7 weeks post baby I was:

Neck : 14
Pit: 39
Nip: 44
Rib: 37
Waist: 37.5
Belly button: 42.5
Pooch: 44
Hips: 45
Thigh: 25.5
Arm: 13
Calf: 15

March 26, 2014
11 months post baby #3

Neck: 13.5
Pit around: 36
Nip (bust fullest): 41
Ribcage around: 34
Waist: 34 
Belly Button around: 36
c-section pooch: 39.5
Arms: 12.5
Hips: 42.5
Calfs: 14.75

May 28, 2014
13 months post baby.

Neck -            13.5
Pits -             35
Nip -             41
Rib-             33.5
Waist-          33
B. button -   34
Pooch -        37
Hips -          41
Thighs -       24
Calfs -         14.75
Arms-          12.5
Weight        175.8

July 28, 2014
15 months post baby
(with one week off due to a tweaked shoulder/neck muscle)

neck - 13.25
pit - 34
nip - 38 (it actually moved!! ahhh!)
rib - 32
waist - 31.5
B. button 34 
pooch - 35.5
hips - 39.25 (hips are officially smaller than high school! )
thighs - 23.5
calfs - 14.5
arms 11.5
weight - 173.6 

SO. I'm down another 12. 25 inches in 2 months. 
I'm pretty dang happy with that. :)

Down 2.2 lbs, too and have maintained for a week. Time to drop it down in the 160s. I have 7 weeks. 
I. Can. Do. This.

(I thought this would be a cool thing to remind myself,
 and y'all who are reading this when you want something but have an obstacle) 

My ultimate weight is 155 right now. 165 for surgery as I stated above.
And for a quick measurement dream.. I'd like to have a 27-28' waist.
And 37-38 inch hips. If we make this happen my body fat % should hover, according to the army's body fat % calculator online -- around 21-22%
They consider 21-24 athletic and ideal.
If I compete and I hover there on off season I'd be pretty happy. :)

Anyhow. Battery is about to die on my laptop. 
Over and out!



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