Thursday, May 29, 2014

Q & A time!

It's THURSDAY already! 
Where did this week go?
This weekend will probably be the slowest I've had in awhile.

So on to the Q & A!

I've had a bunch of people ask me a few questions; some the same over and over about what I'm doing, gear and clothes I'm using, meal plans ext (haha oh boy..), and a few other random things I might include in here on this post that I'm pretty excited about :)

One of my number one questions so far has been "How do you get started with lifting? I see you post you do this all the time? I have no idea where to begin?!"

So, right now I have my personal trainer Joe who has been writing my lift sets out for me. I usually do them for 4-6 weeks at a time and we switch things up so my body won't get used to the same thing over and stop having progress. 

He is in the process of developing an online training thing for other clients but I'm not 100% sure when he'll be ready to take more on. He lives in Vegas and runs other programs there locally so until he's caught up I can say this is a FANTASTIC place to begin with. 

This place will show you all the kinds of lifts and moves you can do with photos and videos if you come across something you don't understand. Many times I'll be in the gym if I'm starting a new phase and have to look it up real quick to make sure I'm doing it correctly, or what different variations of something there is of a lift.

I have been told and know a few people who've done this to get started with lifting and they said it was fantastic! Great stuff on body building . com for y'all to check with. 

I firmly believe in weightlifting now more so than I do cardio. Cardio is important but you won't get the shredded results and the nice lean, toned look without the weights. HIIT training is important too.

Do you believe in the crazy wrap thing? 

If you need a temporary fix... sure. But it won't be a permeant weight loss. You're melting fluids beneath the skin layers, despite what they say, and after a few days or even a week or two it'll all come back if you don't keep up on it. You're still going to hold on to the muffin top and 'skinny fat' everywhere. Maybe for skin tightening? I think hard work over an easy fix will get you what you want. I've had to learn that the hard way these last 13 months. Trust me, I'd love to strap one on and that be it. ;)

Will your skin go back after having babies?

Great question! So far -- a LOT of mine has. I went from a 28" waist to a 45+ and that isn't something my skin decided it wanted to endure without looking like I got into a fight with a tiger. Sooooooo. Since I've been lifting it's shrunk a ton, and a lot less. I could probably hide it behind most of my pants now a days without it being noticeable. When I sit or bend over it's more obvious. I still have another 5 months to see what will happen before my fitness competition and I'm having my fingers crossed that it'll snap back even more. Time will tell! I'm feeling pretty good at the moment. Body fat is the culprit most of the time than it is skin. (not all but most) If you can grab it.. and it's more than paper thin.. it's fat. Some of it can be VERY stubborn. Skin is as thick as what is on the back of your hand. See the difference? If you have that thinness and it's abundant.. then you're probably looking at skin. Building muscles on your abs will help fill it out. Lift gurrrrrl! Lift! :)

What gear do you recommend for the gym or at home? 

Well... to begin with. I'm a big booby girl. I was not blessed with these but they are there and I didn't know before doing all of this that they'd be a tad heavy. I use a bra that is by Moving Comfort. I've heard the "Juno" style is great for larger breasts but I love the racer back kind. I'm 5' 9" (maybe 5' 10") and a 38C now. At my heaviest I was a 43EE and before I got bewbz I was a AAA34. They make them for all sizes, but it's really nice for us larger busted ladies because they hold the girls in place and there will be NO fear of one of them starting a fight and sacking you in the face when you are jumping or running. ;)

How many calories do you eat a day? 

To be honest - I'm SUPPOSED to be reaching 2000-2400 right now. Phase 3 of my workout plan is nuts. I'm going to be lifting heavier and doing way more cardio than I have since having Jensen. I did the after cardio last night that I'll do daily on the treadmill and I was dripping wet at the end haha. If I'm not trim in 2 months from this then IDK what will get me there!

Anyhow.. the 1200 calorie diet is a MYTH. RUN AWAY FROM THAT. You are depleting yourself and starving your muscles. You will be what is known as 'skinny fat'. It's not healthy. You will lose muscles. And it'll be very easy to gain bad weight back or have eating disorders with it. Right now I'm trying to up my daily count from 1700-1800 that I've been doing for awhile. I lost about 50 lbs doing this but I'm at a point now where I need to fuel myself better to get my metabolism a charge. If you don't eat, your metabolism will be so low and slow. No good!
(funny how this is all a big science project, huh?)

One thing to remember though... abs are made in the kitchen. 80% in the kitchen, 20% with your workouts. You can lift and run all you want but if you're stuffing your mouth with junk, none of it will matter. Just sayin'.

Where do you like to buy your workout clothes?

Old navy!!! :)

I have a few more things to cover later in a 2nd Q & A but for now I hope this helps! :)



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