Monday, November 25, 2013


So .
After two separate doctor office visits today, it was confirmed that Eric is healing wonderfully from his surgery from last week, but has a not so fun viral infection to kick over for the next 24-48 hours.
(he had 2 wisdom teeth yanked and it was a rough surgery) 

                                                  (praying nobody else in the house gets it!) 

We have sure had a crazy roller coaster with Eric's health the last month and a half it seems and I'm wanting him to be healed and healthy once again so we can finally tear up the gym and really focus on all the big changes in diet at home.He and I have 40+ lbs each to lose and are making it a priority to change our lifestyles around so we may set a good foundation for our bitties. It has been a real challenge so far (mentally and physically) and really narrowing down the science of it all has been a battle we have been making excuses for up until recently. 

The gym has been wonderful for me since signing up, and the handful of times that Eric has been able to go when he's not sick or gimping around. I ask that you guys continue to keep Eric in your prayers so that he doesn't 'break' any more haha. Weekly blog posts are coming up as we hold our accountability and both of us will be writing on our journey together. 

Thank you for all the prayers and words of encouragement lately 
as they really do mean the world to us.


Jensen is 7 months old. Emma is almost done with her first semester of school.
And Kaelyn is going to start up in school, advanced gymnastics for pre-k, and taekwondo next year coming up very, very fast!

I have neglected my book for several months due to being so busy with other things, but at the moment we are making efforts to pull it from the back burner and put it right up in the front starting in a few more weeks. I'm hoping to have it converted from 1st to 3rd person by the Spring, edited, and ready to hunt for an agent by June. It's a daunting task but I think it'll be manageable if I can stay focused.

Also, I'll be warming up the pin-up side... and creative side... of my photography biz again coming real soon for 2014. 
I'm thinking of holding auditions for some parts in some of my pieces so it'll be a real treat to get to do this soon. Candy land mixed with a 'Crouching-Tiger' theme is something Eric and I have dwelled on this year and I think it'd be super fun to go after it. There will be so much work involved though. 

I need a seamstress!!

Anyways... more later. It's 42 degrees outside, wet, and it's 5:14pm and I have yet to do dinner, gym, edits, and I have a hair appointment possibly tonight... maybe tomorrow. 

Love, peace, and chicken grease. 

(And here is some picture lovin'z)


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