Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blog face lift and then some...

So I finally got around to decorating this blog.

 Neat huh? I didn't make it, I had to google that crap up.  
Over all I'm pretty happy with it, though. 
It's girly.
I usually leave these things kinda how they start off with the one the site provides...BUT!
Since we are going to be on here waaaaaaayyyy more this year I figured if anyone started to follow it, I might as well make it look a little snazzier.


So anyhow, last night and today!
Last night I had my first 'I'm seeing spots that look like flys attacking my head' episode while in the shower. 
NOT cool. I'm talking panic in the shower and looking like I'm hallucinating. 
The hubs walked in starting at me through fogged glass like I was some crazy nut. 
"Babe, there are no flys. Are you okay?"

After a few minutes I realized while trying to get some shampoo and bending this 200 pound luggage (that being my ass) over to get some in my hand I had stood up too fast.
 Oops! Minus occasional headaches from hormones, I've been pretty normal at every visit. 
Fingers crossed that doesn't happen again, though. 
Did I mention that I'm over being pregnant? 
I'm honestly ready to have him. 33 weeks Saturday. 
I don't think we are making it to the due date. 
All in all we have around 3-5 weeks roughly and I'm readddddddddy.

On another note: Emma has had a cough since yesterday that has gotten worse today. While eating lunch (Spaghetti O's) she told me her throat hurt. *sigh*
After some investigating and some temperature gauging... 
she's at 99 and her throat is pretty red around her tonsils and back of the throat from what I can see... 
After a minute on the phone with the pedi: No sports till Monday. 
Womp womp.....That didn't blow over well with her AT.ALL. 

(Nothing like a pedialite icey pop to pave that bumpy road over.)

At least it's THIS weekend and not NEXT weekend for their b-day party stuff.
 I need some smooth sailing from here on out before this baby gets here. Doctor tomorrow in the AM.
And now a pic of the bitties. <3 

(I'm curious to see what their brother will look like ^^ )



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