Wednesday, February 27, 2013

8 months.. my pregnancy thus far.

Hey there everyone. (Or one?)  
I'm in my 8th month of this pregnancy and I'm ready for it to be over with. 
4-6 weeks to go and I feel like my stomach might just split in half at this point. 
Not fully understanding how this is possible, this baby is my smallest. 
And this is my lightest weight, too.

Having had a 9.5 and a 9 pound girls for my first two pregnancies (always 2-3 weeks ahead)
 this little mister is measuring right on target. 
I've only gained 17 lbs vs. the 50ish I had gained 
(65 total at 39 weeks with my first). 

 You'd think it'd be slightly easier this time, but I feel like my body is at its creakiest. 
Braxton hicks are definitely more intense and 2-3 weeks ago we had to stop labor at the hospital.
 I'm thinking I have an impatient little guy on my hands, er... belly. In it. (You get it...)

He's also my most active. 
I'm talking belly in constant motion. 
Hiccup's have been a few times a day and he is totally a kicker. 
Since the early days he likes to lay transverse/ sideways. 
When he stretches and kicks... it literally knocks the wind out of my lungs.
 I'm getting nervous about how he'll nurse haha.

The other little whines I have is the amount of heartburn that 
I literally gag up at random through the day and night. 
Shit hurts. 
Not going to lie.
 I had it with the girls, but wow wee wow... this kid has kicked it into high gear these last few weeks. In the early days I also had morning sickness... bad. Very bad. I didn't have it with the girls. 
Also, getting 'backed up' was a problem early on too. 
Thankfully Special K makes these amazing fiber brownie bars... 
but beware, don't get too over zealous on eating them. 
Remember I've warned you. 
I learned the hard way.

My other big whine for right now (over looking the obvious lower back aches and inability to bend over to pick up anything) is getting up in the night to pee 1092384712039.89 times. 
Maybe not that literal, but pretty damn close.

And it's not the annoying 'trickle for a few seconds' deal.


'OH JESUS I need to hoist this entire belly over from my left side so I can exit the bed on my right, but first I need to contort and spider man crawl with my arms on the wall (while pulling on the bed sheets secured to the bed) to have enough momentum to pull myself up since my abs are gone."

Then the pregnant gimp limp because your lower back and hips haven't 
caught up to how the rest of your body has aligned itself as you stand up. 
(Eric told me I looked like Quasimodo the other day trying to get into the bathroom..... thanks. -_-; )

Hold your breath to sit! 
Baby is awake now and pissed you've done jolted him awake with all your heavy breathing and limp stomping into the bathroom, while even possibly tripping over the weight scale or rug.
 This causes his or her head to both twist and squirm on said full bladder. 
Oh, not to mention gravity isn't helping you either. 
Add that to the pressure. 
Hope you can squeeze tight! 
Thankfully, I can still manage. 

Then comes the shameful descent to sit on the toilet. 
(Knees trembling.)
Ladies, some of you have mastered the squat and pee... I however and far from that.
 I HAVE to sit. 
At the point of desperation I sometimes just fall into place. 
Again we aren't talking small trickle. Ever. 
It's like a power washer + fire hose on full blast. 
Once said bladder is emptied, this signals to the baby that he or she has more room to squirm in. 
Good luck crawling back into bed.
(I highly recommend getting a snoogle pillow to help get back to sleep and comfy!!)

The sad reality is, you HAVE to keep drinking. 
Fluids for baby, you. Keeping your kidneys UTI free. Reducing that pregnancy swell. 
(I can still wear my rings -  wut wut!) 
It's mandatory. 

So, this vicious cycle happens about every hour and a half to three hours in the night, starting around 9pm. I think this is the case so you get used to waking up one the baby gets here. *grumble*
Instead of it being the curse of a small bladder,
it'll be those early weeks of nursing and sleep deprivation purgatory.  

The only time this bladder issue is even worse is when you've just eaten. 
Baby is active and kicking and tumbling, and the only TWO bathrooms you have in your house are being occupied by your toddler daughters taking a poo. 
That takes time and you can't rush that. 
You just can't.

So the intense struggle for room between a full stomach, an active fetus, and an overly full bladder about to burst under the weight of the first two will make your eyes cross. 
You learn yoga poses to alleviate the pressure between the three 
you didn't think were possible while 8 months pregnant.

One of them has to give, 
and since one was just filled with food, 
and the other isn't ready to come out yet.... 
the bottom of that totem (haha no puns intended) has to go. 
Talk about being SOL. 
(Yeah, this happened recently.)

Anyways. Aside from the above mentioned...
I'm enjoying the movements and the 'us' time we have left. 
He drifts towards voices and likes to chase the light from my iphone when I put it on my belly at night.

This is also our last pregnancy. 
I should know on the 8th how my doc wants to deliver too so keep tuned for that. 
I am really ready to be done though. 
Wanting to get back into shape and save up for my tummy tuck. 
And new boobs. Smaller ones. Yes. :)

 If anything else comes our way soon I'll be sure to type it all in. 
This weekend we have to get the garage done and the crib set up. 
And I need to finish editing photos as fast as humanly possible so my work list is done. 
More later. 


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