So last night I posted about my tummy tuck and how
my trainer Joe has me on a rehab program for getting back in the gym after my surgery.
Not going to say that anyone can't do this..
because if you're not regular at the gym and working out,
this could be a great starter program for you too.
I did this Monday, the Stairmaster for 20 mins on Tuesday,
and Zumba for an hour last night.
My legs literally are screaming treason right now.
For some of y'all out there I challenge you to a gym session at my rehab program and tell me what you think. I have about 4 weeks doing this before I am allowed to jump up on equipment and weights. I my head I'm still where I was at over the summer lifting very heavy, but I realized very quickly this first week back that I am no where near that condition at the moment and that I'll have to work on it for awhile to rebuild.
I'll post progress in a few weeks once I get my next phase! :)
In the meantime, I'll post again tomorrow with more current events.
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