Sunday, July 15, 2012


SO. Before I loose my mind I need to share some info first. It's bitter sweet to say the least. I'll begin with the bitter. About 5-6 weeks ago I had to return the Insanity program we had been borrowing. I was beginning week 4. I had lost 14.5 inches and lost about 5-6 lbs total in 3 solid weeks. Crazy huh? Sadly I have gained 10 lbs since stopping it.. so in total I think I've gained 6 back plus 4. I'm not sure about inches... but I'll have to measure tomorrow. Bleck.

So on to the sweet.

 (with the nutrition guide and bonus compressed workout disc) 
aldskfja;slkjdg;alkshg X)


I will be embarking on my weight loss journey once again, uninterrupted, eating clean, and running all together. I can say that I was about 182 after 3 weeks of it the first time.. I started out at 188. I'm currently up at my highest since having the girls at 192 due to stress, falling back into a bad eating habit since stopping the program ( I was really upset, okay?) and a ton of other things piling onto it. Bad snow ball, but hey, I'm human and it happens.

I've been reading alot of blogs lately though with success stories and I have every intention of succeeding. This girl here is one of my muses. It's amazing what she did. I mean.. she was far larger than I am now and has the same intense stretch marks that I do, the pooch.. and in one year with hard core dedication she did this. I'm amazed. 

Anyhow. Thank you Eric Chan for solidifying my journey. We begin it according to the calendar that it came with on Monday to keep things in line. I hope that August 16th will have some exciting 1 month photos to mark my journey as I'm going all out in this. 

I'm ready to play >:)


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