Friday, April 6, 2012

Hello April!

So it's been awhile since I posted. I'm bad.. I know. :( I have been keeping up with my workouts though! I have a 30-35 minute clock in average for running 3 miles almost daily. And kick boxing is slowly finding its way into my workout routines, too. Diet wise I've been half and half. I'm not eating as much junk.. just over eating some of the stuff that I am allowing myself to eat. Working on that one too. And drinking more water. Disciplining myself is way harder than I made it out to be a few months ago.

Anyhow. I'm fluctuating between 184-187 at the moment.

Other things that have been happening in my life is that I'm going to school this fall. Yes sssiiirrr. I'm in December (the 1st) I'm in a wedding so I HAVE to drop this weight. Actually I'd like to be in the 160's at the most by August. This is going to be a major challenge with a few vacations coming up. :X

Anyways.. with all this working out I've managed to drop 2-3 inches off my waist, belly, thighs, and hips. Most pleased about this! However the numbers are off on the scale even with these inches moving around. I'm going to try to run 2x's a day with a little more effort on my diet. I need to update my photos too. :P

So this was in Feb:

And here I am now.

I've fluctated from 184-187. I don't seem to have gone anywhere =\

Hopefully I don't gain much if any at all while in Florida here starting in less than a week. I'm gone from the 12th -28th so wish this kid some luck! <3


Gilenea said...

It is a hard truth to learn that what crosses your lips will affect *every* part of your health.

Take a long look at the foods you buy. Is it processed (Kraft Mac 'n Cheese, cereal, chips, cookies)? If it comes in a package, box or can, you can probably cross it off your list of things you are "allowed" to eat.

The FDA thinks it's kosher to recommend that you get "6-11 servings of grain daily."

Yet grains, pasta, breads, and (yes!!!) RICE cause your body to go into nutso insulin mode. When your natural body tries to process these over-processed food, there is a metabolic breakdown. This "advice" from the government is one of the leading causes of diabetes, heart disease, and gastrointestinal issues.

Think about the human condition as a football field, and our evolutionary journey of food begins at the opposite goal line. As you progress down field, you find that the THINGS we eat don't change much (think hunter/gatherer archetype). Now you get into two-point conversion territory and, all of a sudden, we discover FARMING.

We don't have to move anymore. We can stay in one place and grow wheat to have year-round and make bread! Welcome to the five yard line.

Now we have McDonald's, Taco Bell, Hungry Man, Lean Cuisine, Blue Bell (nom)... I mean, have you BEEN to the store lately??

Never do you need to venture into the middle isles of the store (where the cereal, poptarts, Oreos, and potato chips are). Veggies, fresh meat, fruit, seafood, and eggs are all placed conveniently in one lap around the store. :)

When you go to Florida, PLEASE go on a long walk along the beach at night with your honey. Leave the kids with a relative and go for a brisk walk. Cover some distance, walk in the waves for more resistence, and enjoy some down time (while working out, too)!

It's what you are putting in your body that is preventing your change. You have to be honest with yourself and do some inventory of your pantry and yourself.

If you're on the low end of 184, KEEP GOING! Think of it as you are almost to 179!!! Celebrate with a grilled chicken salad. ;)

Love you! xoxoxoxox

You rock, lady. Please keep it up. <333 You are inspiring.


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